Happy Birthday To Me

This year I have given myself a birthday present…. a creative outlet to express myself and just be me! So welcome to Love Yasmin oxo

Today I turn 39! Seriously where did my 30s go? As much as I have so many thoughts about not being or doing what I thought I would be doing I would be doing by this stage of my life I need to look back and take a look at some of the things I have done in my 30s to realise I am doing ok and I shouldn’t be too hard on myself! Sound familiar?

My 30s started with me getting married a month after my 30th Birthday which was seriously one of the best days of my life (until the kids arrived!) It was the most magical day and not even a little rain in the morning or one of the bridal cars getting very lost delaying us by almost an hour could dampen our spirits.

I then headed off on a six week trip to Europe with my new husband! Other travel adventures in my 30s included ski trips, dental conferences in Singapore, Hong Kong and Rome which turned into another trip to Europe with an 8m Harper in tow. Arbonne conferences in Las Vegas and the Gold Coast. A couple of trips to Fiji and Byron Bay, and family trips to Palm Cove, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Sydney, Rosebud, Dromana, Torquay, Anglesea, Heathcote, Bendigo, Ocean Grove and possibly other fun places along the way including a trip to Dubai last year with my hubby and some other amazing friends that was our first holiday together without the kids since before they were born

My 30s also saw us move house twice and sell our first apartment we bought together in Prahran…. “The Greville Groover!” We have now been in our current house for over 6 years which is a record for both of us since leaving home. this quite possibly has something to do with the amount of ‘stuff’ we have collected along the way especially after having children.

Speaking of having children, on NYE 2010 we celebrated the arrival of Harper Eve. Ready to party from day one she stayed up to watch the family fireworks and then the midnight fireworks from the hospital window before she would even consider going to sleep.

Then on February 23rd 2013 (and coincidently the first White Night in Melbourne) Darcy Alan enter the world after keeping us waiting for 8 days! And with his arrival we had the perfect pigeon pair. Not one to be outdone by his sister….. he didn’t give us a full night sleep until he was almost 9 months old. Needless to say that nine months are a bit of a blur!

My 30s also saw me looking for something else I could do from home that I could use the creative side of my brain in contrast to my science side of my brain as a Dentist. I tried my hand a few things including wedding story boards and making cupcakes from home, both of which I enjoyed doing and still have the occasional order come through for but I still felt like there was something else I could be doing. Then out of nowhere I caught up with a friend from school that I hadnt seen for years and she had started her own Arbonne business. I listened to what she had to say, went away and listened to an info webinar, figured I didn’t have any to lose by giving it a go, then came back the next day ready to start my Arbonne business! Turns out to be the best impulse decision I ever made and I am so glad I didn’t stop to really think about because I am sure I would have talked myself out of it!!

My 30s has also brought with it my happiest and healthiest version of myself including a much more positive attitude toward myself. And while, like most people, I still have days and moments of self doubt and unworthiness they are much fewer and far between and don’t last very long. This means I am much better equipped to share my love and energy with everyone around me far and wide. My hope is that by doing this I can help inspire others to become the happiest and happiest versions of themselves to then be able to pass it forward.

So on one favourite days of the year I am sending love to all of you and saying thank you for all the love you you send my way and may this year be your best year yet!

Love Yasmin oxo

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